Wednesday 3 August 2011

Day 2

Buon giorno! Come va?

Journal/Blog day 2

Was a little more successful with the meditation this time around. Got a few minutes in before I slept and a little more this evening before heading to work. Still struggling to clear my mind and focus but a little at a time I'll get there.

Was up around 5pm today and took and posted my photo for the day. Got into a cold shower again. I think I'm going to struggle to take a cold shower every day for 30 days as it's tough and I like really hot showers. But, I'll keep trying and we'll see what happens.

Spent almost an hour and a half on my Italian course today. I'm almost finished the second level (there are 5 levels, each with 4 units of 4 lessons). Bravo! Yay me!

Working on maintaining some inspiration. I see the words on my mirror and again on the computer at work. I find myself checking my attitude more often to ensure I'm looking at the positive and not just dwelling on the negative. :)

The next few days are going to be wonky as I'm going to be essentially functioning on naps. As I mentioned in the last entry I work nights but I'm off for the next few days and will be volunteering at the Folk Festival (woot!) so I'll be a little all over the place. This puts getting up early out of the running because if one is going off of naps what is early? Ha ha. Anyway, I'm aiming to keep up with the rest of the tasks. Wish me luck!

Questo รจ tutto per ora.

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