Saturday 11 November 2006

I've asked this question, and often give the same kind of response as Snoopy. I don't know why I am here and I doubt that I ever specifically will. Can't really say I have the slightest idea why any of us are here. Sometimes we can make a difference in the lives of a few and sometimes others change our lives forever. Why we impact certain people while having no effect on others is outside my comprehension. There are times when the role that another plays in your life will be surprising, and times when it's totally predictable. Sometimes someone will be there in a way that you did not expect them to, filling a need or a void that you weren't sure they could. But this can go the other way as well. Someone you thought you could lean on may fail to be near by when you need them most. There's no logic to this. No way of knowing before things are tested how they will turn out. If something feels good, then go with it. If things don't feel quite right then it's time to make some changes. Life is full of surprises and endless questions without answers. This is not to say that we shouldn't be asking questions because how would you learn anything if you never asked? Asking questions is the only way to attempt to find the limits of what one can know and understand. If you ask questions that you may not think you'll be able to find an answer to sometimes you'll be shocked to find that it was staring you in the face the whole time, you just couldn't see it, and never would have had you not asked the question to begin with. We're curious creatures, that like to learn. Asking questions is part of our nature. Think of any little kid trying to figure out how things work, to everything someone tells them their response is "why?" and they will keep asking until the person answering is stumped. Why is it that some people seem to lose this simple curiosity about the world around them? It's not that they know all there is to know because we have no idea how much we still have left to learn. You'll never know how something looks if you never see it. You can't know how something smells if you never took the time to breathe in. You'll never know a beautiful sound if you don't stop and listen. There is no flavour if you don't take a moment to savour the taste. And there is no way of knowing how something might feel if you don't have the guts to reach out and touch it. Life is a mystery that requires lots of questions and exploration to have any hope of figuring it out even slightly. Why are we here? I don't know, but I'll do my best to find out the facts that matter.

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