Tuesday, 19 October 2021


An illusion created

to keep us small

Stay in line

Be what we tell you to be

Be a lady

Be a man

Good girls don't

Boy's don't

Buy this product

Exist this way

I'm over it

Not here to be a half

Not here to fit in

and disappear

Not here to confort and break

just to fit this assigned box

Time to step out

Time to break it down

Time to create something new

Let's create a quilt

Bringing all our uniqueness

Authentic connection

with reverence and love

for all the things that make us us

There is no perfect

We are not meant to be

a supporting role in this story

We're meant to be the lead

and the author of our own

Stories of all kinds


like books in a second hand store

Side by side

Each their own


in an inspiring collection

of adventure and life

Are you ready?

Take my hand

We'll drop this illusion

and together

we'll build something magical.

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