Sunday, 6 October 2019

Memento Inktober 6: Afterlife

What comes next? Unknown. Lots of theories. Lots of ideas. Nothing. Something. Anything. Ghost. Heaven. Hell. Reincarnation - begin again. Rebirth as something else, somewhere else. A second chance. Melt back into the mist. Rejoin the greater energy that everything stems from. Afterlife...we have no idea what may or may not be. From this I learn to be present in this life, in this moment. I don't know how long it's going to last or what's going to happen but I want to live every moment I can. I want to be present for the good, the bad, the joyful, the painful, the whole spectrum this life has to offer. I'm not placing bets on what awaits in the afterlife. What I know is that I have this moment. Nothing more, nothing less. Just right here, right now, and I'm going to make the best of it. This is my life and I plan to live it.

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