On the days I rise like the sun
ready to take on the world
I am enough
on the days I hide in the shadows
like the dark side of the moon
I am enough
On the days I can stand in courage
and it's easy to step into the flow
I am enough
On the days anxiety takes over
telling me I'll mess it all up
I am enough
On the days filled with laughter
joy and positivity
I am enough
On the days it's a challenge
just to get out of bed
I am enough
On the days I can be fully me
all imperfections okay
I am enough
On the days I can barely
look myself in the eye
I am enough
The easy days
the hard days
the everything days
the nothing days
and all that comes amongst these
I am enough
Whatever society says
whatever my mind tells me
whatever is happening
inside and out
I am enough
Just as I am
in this moment
right here, right now
I am always enough
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