Sunday 3 June 2007

21 grams

The essence of our being. What makes us who we are. The one thing that can’t be touched and yet shows in everything we do. It means so much, represents so much, is so much, and yet so little. 21 grams. The weight of a soul (according to legend). That’s it. That’s all. Nothing more. Just 21 grams. It’s weird to think about. Hard to wrap your mind around. How is it, that something so small, is so much of who we are? Does it even make sense to try and measure the weight of a soul? Why should it weigh anything at all? Why 21 grams? Maybe there’s some kind of significance that is beyond our ability to understand, maybe it’s significant on a plane of existence separate from this one. Don’t know. Does it matter? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t think the knowledge would make any difference for us, here and now. Just a random piece of information that some might find interesting, and some might use to freak others out. Would you be intrigued? Or would you be freaked out? 21 grams. Not much at all. The last breath we breathe out releases this 21 grams that is believed to be one’s soul. What a strange idea. What do you think? Is this something you can believe or do you think it’s a whole bunch of bullshit? Do you believe we have souls? Or do you believe that what we are now is all we are and will ever be? Have you ever really even thought about it? I’m intrigued by the idea. I like the idea that there is something more than this, though what that may be I haven’t a clue. Do we have souls? I think so. A soul is what allows us to live on in memories and such when we no longer live, and breathe. 21 grams to make us who we are to others. Crazy.

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