Sunday, 7 July 2013

Necessary balance

As much as there is us and we there still needs to be you and me. No one person can meet all your needs. We are social creatures and we need to remember this. Every one of us is unique and has different things to offer. As an individual we connect with different people for different reasons and on different levels to meet different needs. There is nothing wrong with this, it's what keeps life interesting. We need to maintain our uniqueness when becoming us. If the uniqueness is lost then things can get boring and lost in the past. Each individual bringing their uniqueness into us keeps excitement and interest blooming and the relationship growing. To grow as a pair we need to grow as individuals as well. If we can change individually while still growing as a partnership then all the best to us. If we can't, then we need to recognize and accept that for what it is. As long as we've taken care of ourselves while taking care of us things will work out as they should.

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