Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Memento Inktober 9: Judgment

Judgment. An assessment of a situation, of a feeling, of a moment, of others, of ourselves. Often talked about as a negative thing. Creating a goal of being non-judgmental, which, for all intensive purposes, as a human being is impossible. We are wired for judgment. It's what keeps us safe and functional. We judge whether or not to enter a situation. We judge whether or not to eat something. We judge if we think the people around us are good or bad.We judge our own choices based on the results, often forgetting what lead us to that choice in the first place. We're harshest on ourselves. I think mostly because we're taught to be. So many things create judgments that tell us we aren't good enough for a variety of reasons. Generally they're trying to sell us something but that's doesn't erase the impact. A negative voice forms in the back of our minds always negatively judging out choices, who and what we are. There's a positive judgment happening too but unfortunately it's usually quieter, shoved into the background, and yet endlessly cheering us on. Endlessly hoping for better and believing that we are enough regardless of circumstance and such. It knows we are enough as we are, right here and now. We are enough. Judgments are just that. Judgment. An assessment. It's not fact. It's an opinion. Sometimes they fit and sometimes they don't, good or bad. Take it all with a grain of salt. Celebrate the positives and the wins, learn and grow from the negatives and the losses. We're always developing and changing. Judgments just point us in the direction we need to look, the areas we need to assess and decide what we want to do with, if anything. It's your life. Do with it what you will.

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