Thursday, 11 August 2011

Day 10

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

Watched the video of this talk over the past hour and a bit and have to say I very much enjoyed it. It got me thinking about a number of things and how I live my life and how some of the things Randy speaks about fit or could fit into my life. If you have the time I definitely reccomend that you watch this video. Randy is an inspiration and it's fascinating to learn about what he did to achieve his dreams and how he's helped others to work towards achieving theirs.

I've been trying to remember what my childhood dreams were and, to be honest, I have no idea. I recall seeing a video of me and my classmates in kindergarten in which each of us talked about and showed what we wanted to be when we grew up. In this video I talked about wanting to be a mother. I haven't achieved this in the obvious sense in that I do not have any children but if you consider what I do and the role I play I'd have to say that I have achieved this. I'm a youth counsellor, which essentialy means I am a part time parent to the youth I work with. I am the caregiver, someone who never gives up on them, someone who believes in them and their dreams, and someone that's consistently there for them. Maybe one of these days I will also be a mother in the traditional sense, who knows, but either way I'm going to keep aiming to live my life the best I can and to be good to those around me.

What were your childhood dreams? Did you achieve them? Or have they been lost in time? Given up on?

And as a final note, one of the best pieces of advice in this video:
"Never lose the child-like wonder."

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