Sunday, 21 February 2010

A dashboard Jesus

A dashboard Jesus, the religious equivalent of a hula girl.

Not really sure what to think. As a non-believer I can’t say I find it offensive. More curious than anything, I suppose. I can’t imagine who would buy it. I’m sure many find it funny, but why would they spend money on it? Though, I guess somebody must or they wouldn’t make them. I wonder what Jesus would think if he were around. Personally, I’d be a little weirded out to find a small version of me intended to sit on the dash of one’s car. But maybe that’s just me. Maybe he’d think it’s cool. I suppose for some a dashboard Jesus may be their way of having their own personal Jesus, as various people sing and preach about. A potentially warped idol but whatever works for you. This is just my two cents. Take it or leave it as you wish.

(Written October 26, 2007 Just found it and thought I'd post it because it amuses me.)

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