Sunday 23 June 2024

I am enough

On the days I rise like the sun

ready to take on the world

I am enough

on the days I hide in the shadows

like the dark side of the moon

I am enough

On the days I can stand in courage

and it's easy to step into the flow

I am enough

On the days anxiety takes over

telling me I'll mess it all up

I am enough

On the days filled with laughter

joy and positivity

I am enough

On the days it's a challenge 

just to get out of bed

I am enough

On the days I can be fully me

all imperfections okay

I am enough

On the days I can barely 

look myself in the eye

I am enough

The easy days

the hard days

the everything days

the nothing days

and all that comes amongst these

I am enough

Whatever society says

whatever my mind tells me

whatever is happening

inside and out

I am enough

Just as I am

in this moment

right here, right now

I am always enough

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Coming back around

 Coming back around

to the things I used to love

the things I used to know inside and out

coming back around



coming with wonder and awe



what the hell happened

where did I lose the things

where did I lose myself

coming back around

again and again





finding myself

under all the layers of bs

all the layers of "supposed to be"

all the layers of others expectations

all the layers of protection

coming home

reaching out 

from myself to myself

coming back around




coming back around

and finding myself waiting 

with love and open arms

with understanding and compassion

with complete and unconditional acceptance

"I've been waiting for you"

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Time to play!



Feeling the air

Occupying space

With a breath I come down


Feel the earth beneath me



Turning in



With the fire in my belly

It keeps me fueled to function

With the water throughout my body

That allows me to flow

To maneuver

To transform

I am stardust

Conspiring with the elements

With the universe

With the universal

To be me for a while

(as you are to be you)

I am magic

(as are you)

Time to play!

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Just being me

 Drifting through the vastness of my internal world

Floating like a leaf on the breeze

Watching thoughts come and go

Doing my best not to get caught in the tidal wave

The whirlwind

Not to fall into the rabbit hole

To stay in the place of observation

To stay curious

To feel all there is to feel

To be present and connected

To be fully immersed in the experience

Returning to the breath

Returning to the body

Here and now



Feel the earth below me

Connecting with the sky above me

Fully occupying this space

This moment

This life

Letting go of the past

And what may come



Tuned in


Just being


Sunday 24 October 2021

 They looked at him questioningly

Not exactly what he was hoping for

but at least they were looking

Now what?

Gotta do something

with this attention

They watch


anticipating what's to come

Mind blanks

The plan's gone out the window

time to wing it

Nothing's happened

Attention is shifting

and they're no longer looking

Didn't take the chance

Missed the opportunity

Fading into the background again

Friday 22 October 2021

Just be



I feel so small.

It was just a dream.

My mind knows that but my body doesn't. It feels like it happened.



Feel it all.

Let go of resistance.

Sit with everything.

Welcome all parts to the table.

No judgement, just love,

and an openness to receive.

Let it be.


You are a being.

So just be.

Tuesday 19 October 2021


An illusion created

to keep us small

Stay in line

Be what we tell you to be

Be a lady

Be a man

Good girls don't

Boy's don't

Buy this product

Exist this way

I'm over it

Not here to be a half

Not here to fit in

and disappear

Not here to confort and break

just to fit this assigned box

Time to step out

Time to break it down

Time to create something new

Let's create a quilt

Bringing all our uniqueness

Authentic connection

with reverence and love

for all the things that make us us

There is no perfect

We are not meant to be

a supporting role in this story

We're meant to be the lead

and the author of our own

Stories of all kinds


like books in a second hand store

Side by side

Each their own


in an inspiring collection

of adventure and life

Are you ready?

Take my hand

We'll drop this illusion

and together

we'll build something magical.